Welcome to ACL-08: HLT!

ACL-08: HLT takes place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Columbus, Ohio. It combines the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) with the Human Language Technology Conference (HLT) of the North American Chapter of the ACL. The conference covers a broad spectrum of disciplines working towards enabling intelligent systems to interact with humans using natural language, and towards enhancing human-human communication through services such as speech recognition, automatic translation, information retrieval, text summarization, and information extraction.

The ACL is proud to present invited talks by Marc Swerts of Tilburg University and Susan Dumais of Microsoft Research.

June 15, 2008 Conference Tutorials
June 16-18, 2008 Main Conference
June 19-20, 2008 Conference Workshops

Welcome reception, Sun June 15

Student Lunch, Mon June 16

Banquet, Tues June 17

Accommodation details and travel information

ACL-08: HLT Sponsors

We gratefully acknowledge the following institutions for their generous sponsorship of this year's conference:

General Conference Chair:

Kathleen McKeown (Columbia University) acl08chair@ling.osu.edu

Program Co-Chairs:

Johanna D. Moore (University of Edinburgh) J.Moore@ed.ac.uk
Simone Teufel (Cambridge University) sht25@cl.cam.ac.uk
James Allan(University of Massachusetts, Amherst) allan@cs.umass.edu
Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) furui@cs.titech.ac.jp


Ming Zhou (Microsoft Research China) mingzhou@microsoft.com


Ani Nenkova (Univ of Pennsylvania, USA) nenkova@seas.upenn.edu
Marilyn Walker (Univ of Sheffield, UK) m.a.walker@sheffield.ac.uk
Eugene Agichtein (Emory University, USA) eugene@mathcs.emory.edu


Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland) jimmylin@umd.edu

Student Co-Chairs:

Faculty rep: Jan Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh) wiebe@cs.pitt.edu
Student NL: Wolfgang Maier (U of Tubingen, Germany) wo.maier@uni-tuebingen.de
Student Speech: Ebru Arisoy (Bogazici University, Turkey) arisoyeb@boun.edu.tr
Student IR: Keisuke Inoue (Syracuse University, USA) kinoue@syr.edu

Local Arrangements:

Chris Brew cbrew@ling.osu.edu
Donna Byron dbyron@cse.osu.edu
Eric Fosler-Lussier fosler@cse.osu.edu
Detmar Meurers dm@ling.osu.edu
Michael White mwhite@ling.osu.edu
DJ Hovermale acl08local@ling.osu.edu (Webmaster)

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